Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Spicy Thai Noodles

I have become obsessed with Thai food this year.  I  thought it was pregnancy cravings but nope I am still craving it.  These Thai Noodles are off the hook good.  So easy to make and they save well in the fridge for days!  I found this recipe on Pinterest, there are about a million Thai noodle recipes on there!   I really liked the ingredients in this one because I basically had everything on hand to make it.  I recommend using angel hair pasta or even better the the thin Asian Noodles in the international aisle at the grocery.  You can save prep time by pre-chopping the veggies and nuts and then just toss everything together for a quick meal!  I think this would be great served with chicken and/or shrimp for a heartier meal.  I made a big batch and ate it as lunch one week.

:: S P I C Y   T H A I   N O O D L E S ::

- 1 package thin Asian Noodles or Angel Hair
- 1-2 tablespoons crushed red pepper- depends how spicy you want it
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup sesame oil
- 6 tablespoons honey
-6 tablespoons soy sauce
- shredded carrots
- sliced green onions
- fresh cilantro
- chopped peanuts

Heat both oils and red pepper flakes in small saucepan over medium heat about 5mins or until heated.   Strain out red pepper flakes and save oil.  Note 2 tablespoons of red pepper flakes makes this dish very spicy.  Whisk in honey and soy sauce to oil mixture.  Boil noodles and drain.  Toss noddles with sauce and then add in veggies. I add in the nuts last and use them sparingly.

Original recipe says to Refrigerate overnight and serve cold, I also thought they were good room temperature too.

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