Friday, January 31, 2014

Mommy Confessions

Happy Friday Friends. Not going to lie this has been a long week with school being out three days. I know you people up North deal with snow all the time but Charleston shuts down over it.  I love being a mom so much but dang, the days can be really long sometimes especially when you can't leave your house.  Thank goodness we have a wedding this weekend so I get two nights out in a row!  That is unheard of and never happens.  I am ready to get dressed up and be wined and dined:)

Since I have been at my wits end lately I thought it would be fun to do some Mommy Confessions.  Now don't leave me alone feeling like the worst mom ever please leave a comment and tell me your confessions.  TGIF Friends.

1) I have not washed my hair in 4 days- yesterday morning Sterling actually told me I smelled.   Don't worry it is getting washed before the Rehearsal Dinner Tonight:)

2) I swore I would never ever let Sterling watch Spongebob and now it is all he watches- it guarantees me 30 minutes of silence which is pure bliss.

3) Sterling ate 3 lunchables yesterday one for breakfast and two for lunch. 3 lunchables how gross is that??

4) Whoever said that nursing burns calories and makes you drop the baby weight fast lied.   I am nursing round the clock and my weight ain't moving.  I actually gained two pounds from all the junk I ate during the snow days.

5) The past two days I started happy hour before 5.  Had to, is it sad having both kids at home leads me to want a glass of wine?  Case and point a little half glass while cooking.  4:00 is the new 5:00 for moms.

6) I have not exercised once since I had Frances and I was cleared too almost 4 weeks ago.  Every week I am like is it, then I make up excuses not.   I feel gross and want to workout but just cant find the time.

7) Yesterday at the bank our banker told Sterling "please be nice to your mommy and listen to her" because he was acting obnoxious.   I fear I have that kid who won't behave or listen to me in public.  You know the one where you look at the mom and feel both sorry for her and disgusted she cant get her kid to listen to her. 

8) I have started making Sterling shower with me or Matt just so I don't have to do bath time.   I dread bath time especially because Sterling still cries every time we wash his hair.  He is getting ready to be 4 and cries over water in his eyes.

9)  I don't watch TV at night anymore.  I can't stand the noise.  Sterling talks all the time.  Seriously he is never quiet so now at night I need pure silence- I do make an exception for The Bachelor.

10)  Girl diapers are way harder to clean than boys.  I must use at least 10 wipes every time I change Frances trying to get her clean.

But at the end of the day long or not,  I sure do love these two and love being their mom.

and because I thought this was too true and too funny not to share.

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