Monday, April 7, 2014

10 Beauty + Hair Items to Try

I am a creature of habit when it comes to make-up.  I find something I love and I stick with it.  I rarely buy new make-up. However,  this year I decided it was time to try out some new products.  These are a few of my new favorites.

I have actually used this before and I really feel like it is the best bronzer out there.  It is not too orange or gold and gives the perfect hint of color.  I use this daily instead of blush.

I have a difficult time with eyeliner.  I used to love the two faced 3 way eyeliner and I still like how it goes on but mine was drying up the same month I bought it and that ain't cool.  As far as pencils go this is one of my favorites because it doesn't smear.  It goes on easily for a precise line.

This is the most gorgeous smelling perfume.  I smelled a sample of it in a magazine and knew I had to have it.  I recently wore this to a baby shower and several people commented how nice I smelled.  I do recommend buying the lotion too- I think the fragrance lasts longer when you layer the two together.  The great thing about Jo Malone is you can buy these small 1 ounce bottles. So you don't have to spend a fortune.  

My mom had this lipstick and I borrowed it while I was home and fell in love with it.  It is the perfect amount of color.  It is a great neutral red.

I am still loving this cheapie mascara.  I find it goes on well and makes my lashes look great.  A steal for the price.

Confession, previous this to this eyeshadow I had been using my NAKED palette for three years.  How gross is that?  I finally tossed it and picked up these new colors.  You can wear them day and night which I really like.  They are a great neutral combo for anyone.

I am not a big hair products person.  Most hair products make my hair either greasy or stiff and I hate that feeling.  This spray is on the pricey side- $40 but lasts forever,  I have had mine for 2 years now.  I use it as a dry shampoo to fluff up my hair when I don't want to wash it and it smells amazing. It is also great to use when you are styling your hair to help hold curl as well.

I know you have all heard of the Mason Pearson hair brush and I won't lie I used my moms and it is amazing.  But this Bass version is totally equal I swear, and a fraction of the price.  I found mine at TJMaxx so check there for one.  It is made with the same boars hair bristles and really adds volume to your hair.

This stuff works miracles on my dry over processed hair.  It conditions really well and leaves my hair soft and sleek.  It also smells really fresh!  My hair can last several days without washing when I use this shampoo and conditioner.

Another TJMaxx score,  I use this brush on my wet hair to detangle it.  I wish I knew the brand on this one but if you see it buy it!

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