Friday, April 4, 2014

Thoughts For Friday

Yay for the weekend!  Anyone have great plans?  We have a fun dinner out Saturday with my brother and his wife trying out the new Beirgarten and then Sunday we are celebrating my nephews first Birthday!  I can not believe it has been a year since he was born, I still remember sitting and waiting in the hospital for the news that he had arrived.  Such a special day I will never forget seeing my sister become a mom for the first time.

So, I have yet to write about this but lets discuss the Conscious Uncoupling of Gwyneth and Chris.  I have to admit when I first read of their split I was sad but not surprised.  I liked that they kept their relationship private for the most part which led me to believe they were happy.  I appreciate that they seem to be remaining friends which I think is so important when kids are involved.  It just makes me sad for all Hollywood marriages it seems none can survive.  I was outraged by the comment Gwyneth made about her job as an actress being harder than a regular working mom- read this article if you have not.  This lady's response was awesome.  I still like Gwyneth but I do think some of the things she says are really egotistical and bone headed. 
I do kind of look forward to seeing who they both date next.

Next lets chat about Southern Charm. I have gotten several emails and instagram comments wanting to know my thoughts on the show.  One word its bad- but yes I am still watching it.  I have this problem where I can't stop watching bad reality TV shows.  I find it odd that the none of the cast are real friends it seems they just threw them all together for the sake of the show.  Cameron and Shepp seem the most real and down to earth.  TRav just embarrasses me- I mean hasn't he done enough damage to his name, I have no idea why he would chose to do this show other then to get his name out to run for political office ( and our state is backward enough we will probably elect him).  I have no idea why Jenna is even on the show other than to showcase someone who is not your typical Southerner.  and how the heck does she afford that huge house? I have to say Whitney's mom is my favorite to watch.  I love her life of leisure just sitting in caftans all day having drinks brought to her:)  and how many people work at her house just to take care of her??  What do ya'll think?

Lately I have been all about some tie dye.  I am thinking about adding this Joie Sweater or this Equipment tee to my closet.  The Joie sweater is part of the Bloomingdales Friends and Family so it is a forerunner.

I am on mascara two of my great mascara search.  Currently, I am trying out Benefit They are Real.  I have to be honest it is not much better then the Loreal Illuminous which is way cheaper.  Both have been way better than the Maybelline I was using.  I think Chanel and Josie Maran are next on my list.
Ignore my nails- I never have time for a mani these days!

I am having a hard time dropping my last 5 pounds of baby weight so I have been trying to eat cleaner because lets be real I can't cut out my wine!  Any tips for dropping the last 5-10 pounds?   I made this for lunch the other day and it was fabulous.  It is provolone, turkey, and avocado plus the Tuscan Kale Salad.

Now that the weather is warmer I am finally able to dress Frances in some of the cute Summer outfits we have.   I swear for the first few months she lived in the same 5 onesies and pants so it is fun to dress her now that she is getting a little bigger.  I just want to freeze time I love this age so much.

Baublebar and Nordstrom just launched an awesome collection together.  They were sweet enough to send me a package with some of the new jewelry and other goodies. You can check out the whole collection over at Nordstrom.
This is Sterling patiently waiting for the confetti and lollipops.

These earrings were part of my gift and I just love them- even better in person.  I can't wait to wear them to a wedding we have in a few weeks.

Have a great weekend!

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