Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Frances Moon + Our Thanksgiving Menu

As I sit down to write this post, I can't help but think back to this exact time one year ago.  It was the night before I was getting ready to be induced and I was a nervous wreck.  First of all hospitals in general make me nervous and I was terrified the induction would not work and I would have to have a C Section. But what worried me the most was thinking how will I ever love another child as much as I love Sterling??  I just could not imagine and in the back of mind I thought I will probably always love Sterling the most because he was my first baby and he is my little man.  I also worried how life would be for him with a sibling.  We want to give our children siblings because we know in the long run it will be best for them but I was terrified how he would feel with me splitting my attention between another baby now and just not him.  I could not imagine what life would be like as the mom of two and it scared me. 

Oddly enough the day I was set to be induced I woke up and was so calm.  I felt God's presence and knew in my heart it all would go smoothly.  The labor and delivery was so quick and easy, total opposite of Sterling who I labored 30+ hours with.  The moment that Frances Moon was born she took my breath away.  I just kept thinking I have two kids now.  Birth and meeting your baby for the first time is a true testament to God and miracles.  I tear up sitting here just thinking about the moment Frances entered the world and our lives.   My heart just expanded and I loved her exactly the same way I love Sterling.  It is an even never ending love that is so powerful.  Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with love for the two of them it takes my breath away and brings a tear to my eye.  They are my world and I understand now how when my parents said they loved us all the same and didn't have favorites they were right.  You love different things about each child but you love them exactly the same.

So happy first birthday Frances Moon.  It was a long journey to get you but God had a sweet plan all along.  You came into our lives and it was like you always belonged with us.  You are the sweetest little girl ever.  You are such a joy and a delight.  When people talk about having easy babies that is what you are.  You rarely cry unless you are hungry or tired and always just go with the flow.  You are always smiling and laughing.  You have such a sweet temperament. You love to eat and you are such a good eater, not picky at all.  You also love to dance, play humpdy dumpdy, and listen to books.  I never in a million years thought I would have a daughter and I thank God everyday he blessed me with you. I love you more than you will ever know. 
Happy First Birthday Sweet Frances Moon.

I have to thank Lucy Cuneo for capturing these special moments of me with my two babies.  She is local photographer and wonderful to work with if you need family pictures.  We decided to do some pictures at the beach near our house in honor of Frances Moon's first birthday.   These pictures are so special to me and I will treasure them forever.

Outfit Details
Frances Moon | Headband | Butterfly Dress | Vest | Mocs


Several of you asked what our Thanksgiving Menu would be and here it is:

This is gorgeous and sounds amazing.   I don't like to serve too heavy of an app since we are getting ready to eat a huge meal but it is nice to have a little nibble with your cocktail.

This all Matt.  He takes such pride in his turkey and does an amazing job. I have nothing to do with it.  He brines it for three days and it is the juiciest best turkey ever. This year he is actually doing two smaller turkeys one fried and one roasted.  This is Matt's actual turkey from 2 years ago- perfection.

Told you guys I was adding this to my menu, I love it.

This is a new recipe I am trying out so I hope it is as good as it looks.

I do not love this side but it is Matt's favorite so we have it every year.  It is the standard kind with cream of mushroom soup and fried onions on top.

Mac and cheese is always a good idea.

We use Paula Deen's recipe for this and it is really good.  I would love to try a new dressing recipe for fun but this is the other item Matt won't budge on.

This is another new recipe but when I saw it in Southern Living I knew it needed to happen.

Happy almost Thanksgiving!

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