Wow is all I can say. Thank you for all your comments, emails , and texts. I read every single one and they made me feel so much better. The funny thing is all day yesterday I felt calm even though Frances Moon ran a fever and is sick and I had a million things to do, I felt a sense of peace and I know that was your prayers working so THANK YOU.
Frances had her appointment with the neurologist and we are going to mointer her for the next 3 months. There is still fluid around her brain but they seem sure it will go away on its on. She is meeting all her developmental milestones so that is a good thing. I will report back after our appointent in March but pray the fluid starts to go down.
I took this picture in the waiting room of the doctors office and it says so much abut Frances Moon. She is always smiling even when she is sick. She is such a joy to have in my life and I am so thankful for her.
This blog brings me so much joy because of the connections and the community. I feel like we are all best friends even though we have never met. I so appreciate you reading my blog everyday and commenting. I am grateful for each of you and your support. I am so thankful for my best friends who all called and texted me yesterday offering their help to watch my kids, wrap my gifts, and bring me food. Then when we got home from the doctor these flowers were on my doorstep and I just burst into tears. They were from Caycee saying she knew I was going through a hard time. I felt so much love yesterday. It reminded me of the quote " Best Friends make the good times better and the hard times easier."
Yesterday afternoon Sterling and I worked on some gifts for his school party. I saw these snowman on pinterest and thought they looked cute and easy but mine were a hot mess. The doughnuts kept cracking and the jelly beans would not stay on. There was powdered sugar every where in my dining room. But you know what Sterling and I laughed and laughed and had the best time making them- all while we jammed to Taylor Swift (yes I bought the cd).
Then last night I took the kids to see the James Island Festival of Lights and it was just what we needed. Sterling was over the moon excited and Frances just kept laughing. It helped me to lighten up and smile and be happy for exactly where we are right now. The kids love Christmas and I love seeing it thru their eyes.
I have decided to take a few days off to relax and take care of family. I will be back at some point next week maybe Monday maybe after Christmas, but in the meantime I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you get to enjoy and savor these last few days before Christmas. Before we know it it will be 2015 and we be starting a new year. Those of you struggling and fighting your own battles this holiday season I am praying for you too.
Happy Holidays!
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