Happy Thursday. I don't know about ya'll but my kids are out of school today, tomorrow , and Monday- it may be a LONG couple of days. Frances is obviously not thrilled her alone time with me is interrupted by her brother:)
Last weekend Matt and I went out to dinner with a few of our friends for restaurant week. I am about to give up on restaurant week, the food is just never that good. We did however have a great time!
The top I am wearing I picked up at local shop Thera M, they have a medium still in stock!
and I have to show off my shoes, I bought after Christmas for 75% off! They are calf hair and kind of amazing.
My arm candy is my go to comb these days
Us ladies at dinner.
I snapped this adorable picture of Frances napping with her baby and purse. Two of her favorite gifts!
I made Gwyneth Paltrow's Slow Roasted Tomato Soup this week and it was so good. The tomatoes give it great flavor. I added a little fresh Parmesan and used whole milk for those with her cookbook following. I served it with cheese toast sticks which is just bread toasted with cheese (I use sharp cheddar and guoda) and cut into strips, perfect for dipping!
Thanks for all the book recs! I just started reading The Langauge of Flowers and I am already hooked. Such a great read, I am already almost halfway through it!
I also ordered Molly Sim's new book. I am a huge fan of hers and I have to say the book is really informative, and I am loving it so far. I am going to make her green soup recipe this weekend and I have been doing her yoga sequence everynight.
We finally booked our first vacation in 8 years. Besides going on our family beach week and out of town for weddings Matt and I have not had an adult vacation with no kids! We are going to St Maarteen for a week in June!! We are going with one of my best friends and her husband and I could not be more excited! I would love recs from anyone who has visited the island before!
Since we booked out trip all I can think about is resort wear! Stay tuned for many wish lists on what I hope to pack. This cover-up is top of my list.
They finished painting our kitchen cabinets yesterday and I am thrilled with the results. They look awesome. I went with Benjamin Moore Decorators White. Next up is a new back splash and we are thinking wood floors instead of the tile also.
Ignore all the crap on the counters- true life crap eveywhere always.
I went on my first run in almost two months this week. It was beyond painful, I am still sore but it felt so good to really sweat and work out hard. I enjoyed a glass of the most delicious cab afterwards while we cooked our dinner. Highly recommend it!
Meet my new favorite jeans, The Emma from DL1961 (remmington wash). They suck you in and don't stretch. Love the color and the distressed look. They run TTS.
We have had the yuckiest weather this week. Thank goodness for the library, I took the kids there every afternoon.
Frances' Faux Fur Jacket is our favorite and currently 50% off!
Enjoy your day!
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