Friday, December 13, 2013


Happy Friday Friends. Any fun plans this weekend? This is our last weekend in town before we head to Charlotte for Christmas. I feel like this holiday season has slipped by and I have hardly gotten to enjoy it. So that is just what I plan to do this weekend. I promised Sterling we would build a gingerbread house, go see the Christmas Lights at the James Island County Park, make hot chocolate, watch Christmas movies, and wrap gifts. I really want to slow down and and enjoy this time of the year because it is so fun for Sterling and he is so excited.   Plus I love Christmas!

This week I started taking photos at night of what was going in our house.  I want to create a whole Blurb book of them.  It will be fun to look back on them years later!  Here is what has been going on in the Mason House.

Loving our MamaRoo Swing.  So nice for Frances to sit in while we enjoy happy hour and our tree!

Sterling has been so creative lately.  I have really tried to limit his TV,  for awhile we were watching too much.  Now we play instead.  This night he lined up every single car and "friend" he had.

Matt worked late Wednesday night so both kids got in bed with me and we snuggled- pure bliss.

Miss Frances has been keeping her Daddy up at night in our room where she currently sleeps, so Matt decided to blow up the air mattress in her room to get a good nights sleep for work.  Of course Sterling wanted to sleep in this awesome bed too and have a slumber party.

Frances had her first bath this week, her belly button had been infected and it finally healed so I could bath her.  I bathed her all by myself and was very proud !  Btw any great bath suggestions?  We still have yet to get one, I just bathed her in our sink which was tricky with just me.

 My friend Sam gave Frances this adorable Monkey hat- I mean does it get any cuter??

I will leave you with this list of Bible readings for Advent- love how it is broken down daily. 
Have a great weekend!

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