Thursday, December 12, 2013

Currently Living in Sweaters + Leggings

Dressing post baby is hard. You are not pregnant anymore so you don't have to deal with a huge belly but things just ain't the same. I can barely fit in my "fat" jeans- major muffin top over the top- so not pretty.   So I have been living in leggings.   My typical daily outfit is leggings and a cute sweater with ballet flats or my Rag and Bone Booties if I want to dress up a bit.   We had a baby shower for my friend Sarah yesterday and this is what I wore. 

I have already the praised the Spanx leggings enough so I am sure you get it- I love them.  Instead of nursing bras I have been loving the Bravado nursing tanks, I wear them under everything.  I feel like the tanks suck you in as well so you don't see flab.  Plus they make nursing easy.   My mom recently went to Chicago and found me the dark brown Rag and Bone Newbury Booties at the Nordstrom Outlet.  They are My absolute favorite, they go with everything!  I stopped in Forever 21 this week and picked up a few cheap sweaters for this after baby in between stage including the one I am wearing.  This outfit has been on repeat around here.
Links below.

Also love this pic of Charlize Theron for inspiration.  Leggings and sweaters can be a chic look!

A few awesome sweater deals from the Shopbop sale.

I also snagged this super cute zippered sweater from F21.  It looks way more expensive in person!

These Club Monaco leggings are also part of the Shopbop sale, I have heard great things about them.
They would be great with any of the sweaters!

Any other great sweaters or leggings I need?  I will probably be living in this ensemble for the next 3 months!

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