Friday, December 6, 2013

The Joys of Creating a Christmas Card + $150 Gift Card to Minted

This year I am scrambling to get a Christmas card put together and out.  I thought about just bagging it in light of the just having a baby thing and all, but I love getting and sending Christmas Cards. They are one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I love seeing people's families and their kids thru the years.  Nothing better than opening a mail box filled with Christmas Cards.

 I wanted to wait til after Frances was born to try and get a picture with her and Sterling together.  So after we put our tree up last weekend,  I put them in some Christmas clothes and busted out my iphone to try and snap a few pictures.  I had no idea how difficult it would be to get a good picture of the two of them.  The outtakes however were hilarious.

Sterling bless his heart tried so hard but he just has a hard time smiling naturally for the camera.  His forced smiles made me laugh.  I love the stank eye Frances is giving him in the last picture.  I did manage to get a pretty solo picture of Frances sleeping after all the comotion.

In the past years I have bought the old school kind of Christmas cards where you attach the picture yourself and hand sign them.  I don't have time for that mess this year.  I decided to use Minted instead.  I had been so impressed with several Minted invitations and cards I received.  They use thicker card stock paper which I really like and I loved their new gold foil designs for this Christmas!  Their quality is really amazing and all the work is done for you!

Minted has a fabulous selection this Holiday season, a few of my favorites:

and in case you are curious this is the card we went with this year.  Some of you should be getting it in the mail soon!  Best picture we could get but they are both looking up with eyes open so I will take it!

Luckily for any of you last minute Christmas Card people like me, Minted is offering one of my readers a $150 giftcard.   You can use this for anything it doesn't have to be Christmas Cards.  $150 will go a long way towards any of Minted's fabulous designs!

All you have to do to enter is visit and leave a comment telling  me what you would use the $150 towards.  Giveaway is open til Sunday at noon and I will contact the winner Monday!

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