Thursday, January 9, 2014

Immediate Gratification

Immediate Gratification, this is something I struggle with in several aspects of my life.  I like immediate results, I don't like waiting.   For example when I am decorating my house and lets say I want new pillows, I immediately go out and start looking for a pair.   I usually buy the first pair that I kind of like, take them home knowing they are just so-so but keep them because I want an immediate change and then 3 months later I am sick of them.   When what I should have done is taken the time to search for just the right fabric and had them made.  Yes it would have cost me more money but in the long run I would still have those pillows and love them.  I finally did this recently had pillows and ottomans custom made and I could not be happier with them.

Same with clothes,  when I find a good deal or something on sale I am tempted to buy it.   Not because I love the item or need it but because it was a bargain (and I love the thrill of a good deal) and several months later I am over it.    I get quick fixes at places like TJMaxx and Forever 21 when I am just in the mood to shop and buy something.    Most of the time within a year I am sick of those items.  I need to shop with a purpose with a specific item in mind instead of aimlessly shopping.   I spend way more money on all these little so called bargains than if  I had just saved up and bought one thing I truly loved and needed.

People are the same way in life too.  For instance when I wanted baby number two I immediately wanted to get pregnant right away on our first month of trying and that is so unrealistic.  I had to learn to slow down, have patience and trust in God.  We all need to learn that sometimes good things take time and are worth the wait.   We need to have a little faith in God.  Wheter you are trying to get pregnant yourself, or searching for a new job, or even searching for a significant other these things take time.

This year my goal is to try and save and buy more investment long term pieces.  The items in my house and closet that I spend a little more money and thought on are always my favorites.  Yes they cost more but year to year I never tire of them so in the end they are the better investment.   For example my Rag and Bone Booties, Vince Leather Jacket, and my Gucci Tote ; all examples of things I paid quite a bit for but truly love them and get my money's worth out of them.  

I decided to compile a list (I love making lists) of a few investment pieces I want to add to my closet, I have a home list as well.  I would love to know what you deem a good investment and if there is anything I should add to my list.  New motto is quality over quantity. 

Although its gonna be hard for me to kick my TJMaxx habit, there is just something about the thrill of a good bargain! 

This is my dream purse.  If I saved (for a very long time) I could eventually buy this beauty and I bet I would carry it for years like my Louis Vuitton I got in college and have carried for 10+ years.

I owned a pair of these once and either lost them or they were stolen from my car and they were my favorites.  I have bought several cheapie pairs of sunglasses at TJMaxx but I never love them like I did these.

I have one pair of these but would really love another pair in a different wash.  They are worth every penny.

I really want to invest in a pair of good black ballet flats.  My last pair were Cole Haan and I paid close to $200 for them but they have lasted me forever.  Love the scalloped detail that makes these stand out a bit.

Once this baby weight is gone I am treating myself to an awesome bikini.  In the past I have just bought cheap bikinis that I don't love and that don't fit well. I never feel confident or good in them.  I want a bathing suit that I feel amazing in even if I wear the same one all summer long.  I have been in love with this Marysia Bikini for several years.  Classic perfection. 

I borrow my mom's bracelets like these every time I am home.  It is time to start my own collection that I can hopefully pass on to Frances one day.  These bracelets are awesome alone or stacked together.

What is on your investment list? 

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