Friday, January 17, 2014

Nursing Essentials + Dressing While Nursing

 Nursing, its the hardest part of having a baby or at least it is to me.  It is a round the clock job for the first few months and it hurts.  You are restricted and you can't go places because you have feed your baby so often and that is hard.  I had a really hard time nursing with Sterling he would never latch on and I had to supplement with formula from the beginning because my milk supply was low.  It was difficult and I eventually stopped nursing at 3 months.  This time I have had a crazy milk supply and it is just easier all around so I am powering on.  But I am over having huge boobs, I keep waiting for them to shrink some but no luck!  You have to do what is best for you, if formula makes you a happier mom do that, if pumping is easier do that.  People can be very judgmental about nursing or not nursing, so you have to not listen and do what works for you, I learned this with Sterling when I felt guilty after quitting nursing but it was the right thing for us and ultimately I was happier.

I have had several requests for me to share nursing essentials and clothes that are easy to nurse in.   Nursing on the go can be hard.  With Sterling I was super funny about nursing in front of people this time I just don't care.  Thanks to my Hooter Hider, which I highly recommend I can basically nurse wherever with privacy.  If you have never seen one of these it goes around your neck and drapes in front to cover your chest area while nursing.  It folds up and can be easily tossed into your purse for on the go nursing.  I use mine if company is over and occasionally out in public like yesterday I used it at Chick Fila.

When I know I am going to be out for awhile I will pump and bring a bottle.  But let me say I hate pumping, I would much rather nurse.   But nights when Matt and I go out I need a bottle left behind for his parents to feed Frances.  I own this Medela pump which I highly recommend.  I bought it with Sterling, then my sister used it and now it is back to me.  It holds up well and it is still working great. 
 As far as bottles I am loving the Dr. Browns bottles.  Added bonus they screw right into the breast pump so you can pump directly into the bottle.  

Don't forget nursing pads you will need these to wear daily and at night because trust me your milk will start to leak.  I have tried pretty much every brand and really don't love any of them.  I like the Nuk brand because they are thinner but then I leak with them.  This time I bought the Target Up brand and they work well for the price.

As far as dressing while nursing, I still wear all my regular blouse and sweaters but a must for me is a nursing tank.  I wear one under almost everything.  They are easy to unsnap and nurse in.  Plus I feel like the tanks help smooth out and suck in extra flab which is ever present post baby.
My favorite are the Bravado line.  I own one in black and white and wear them all the time.  Right now they are 25% off so stock up!
I have heard these Yummie Tummie nursing tanks are awesome because they are like spanx and suck you in. I am debating picking up one to try. I also like that they look like they are longer.   Remember Heather from RHNY?  This is her line:)
|| Yummie Tummie Nursing Tank||

I  love the Bravado nursing bras.  I own these two. 
This bra is like a sports bra and so comfortable, I sleep in it at night as well. The bras are also currently 25% off.

This bra looks more like a regular bra and has underwire which I like for some days and under dressier clothes.

I still can't fit back in my regular pants so if you need some in between jeans, I highly recommend The Skinny by 7 For All Mankind.   I own these in a size larger than what I normally wear and have worn them after both pregnancies.  They are high waisted and suck you in plus they have alot of stretch which you need post baby!
|| 7 for All Mankind The Skinny Jeans ||

As for what I wear over my bras and tanks I find blouses that button up are easiest for nursing because you can just unbutton them and easily nurse.  I also have been wearing loose sweaters and tees that are easy to lift up. This way with my tanks under them, I just unsnap the tank and nurse.
The JCrew swing sweater is great for nursing.
A few options.

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