Friday, October 31, 2014

These are My Confessions

You guys ready for this??  I always love doing these posts and I looked back and had not done one since July so it was time for a new one!   Please join in and share your own!

- I took Sterling to the dentist about 2 months ago and we discovered he had 5 cavities.  I mean WTF.  I was beyond shocked as Matt and I brush his teeth every night and I really don't buy too much candy.  I felt like the worlds worst mom.  His dentist told me his his teeth are really close together which makes him more prone to cavities (or maybe that is what they tell all the parents of kids with cavities).  We are having them filled next week (hello mortgage payment) and I am freaking out about the laughing gas.  I am so scared he will have a reaction or something horrible.  I always think of the worst things.  It haunts me every night, I am dreading it next week.  I am more freaked than Sterling.

- Instead of buying our pumpkins at the pumpkin patch this year we bought them at Harris Teeter.  Horrible I know but Harris Teeter had huge ones and you got 2 for $10 and the big ones at the pumpkin patch were $30!  I feel like it was a good idea since our pumpkins already had to be thrown out because of all the flies.  Lesson learned don't carve them so early.

- I have been sick on and off for two months straight.  Bronchitis twice that lasted a good two weeks each time.  My immune system seems to be failing me.  I blame the kids.  and I still have a cough. 

- Because I have been sick and wheezing I have been unable to run and while I miss it I also don't miss it.  It has been nice to sleep in in the morning.   It has been dark out when I normally run and I don't like to run in the dark.  Plus I lost a few pounds, I swear I weigh more when I exercise more because I eat more.  My appetite is crazy when I work out.

- I can't wait to box up all the Halloween crap around our house - there I said it.  Saturday morning all that stuff is going right back in the attic.

- I bought holiday pillows at Target this week, yes I am that person buying Christmas stuff in October, but I swear the good stuff gets gone fast. #christmasobsessed.

- I kind of like Taylor Swift now.  She used to annoy me so bad but now I like her.  Her music is good and I appreciate the fact that she doesn't slut herself out.

-  15 minutes into our car ride back to Charleston yesterday Sterling told me he had to pee and poop.  This is so typical even if I make him use the bathroom before we hit the road.  We stopped at a gas station that had so much random crap for sale and I bought blankets.  I know this is gross on so many levels but I really liked the blankets, they were big, and only $6!!  I mean they are kind of awesome right??  I will wash them first don't worry!

- I have not slept thru the night in at least 3 weeks.  I wake up with weird dreams about the world ending or being stuck in a foreign country. 

-  Frances Moon turns one in less than a month and I have done nothing to plan her party.  I think it must be a second child thing.  With Sterling I had it all planned out at this point.  Her birthday will definitely be more low key than Sterling's. I have found the party is more for the adults than kids, I mean she won't even remember the day.

- I can't find a sushi place I just love in Charleston, any recs?? The only time I seem to eat sushi these days is when I go to Charlotte.  I love Sushi Guru!!

- My house is a constant mess and it stresses it me out.  I am trying to be at peace with this and it is just how it is with two young kids but it drives me crazy.  They both pull things out as soon as I put them up.

- Sometimes I worry I like wine too much.  I swear I drink more wine now than I did before I had kids.  I am a hypochondriac so I worry about my liver.  But I do swear the wine helps keep me sane and relaxed.  I don't take any meds, but the wine helps my anxiety- unless I drink too much and then it causes anxiety.  I do know my limits being hungover is not option with kids:)

-  I used to really like Breakfast and now there is nothing I ever want to eat.  I am sick of every single breakfast I used to love.  Lately I have been having green juice and turkey bacon- one good one bad:)

- I throw away plastic bags from stores.  I am so good about recycling everything else but those bags!  I feel guilty about it too but then I still toss them.

- My least favorite chore is emptying the dishwasher and I swear I do it everyday.  Its all the parts to the bottles and sippy cups that make it take forever!

- I am a complete type A personality.  I like to be in control always.  If Matt has the kids or a babysitter comes I always bath and feed them dinner first because I am worried they won't do it right (aka my way).  I am trying to loosen up but its hard.

- I have trouble just sitting down and relaxing.  I feel like there is always something I need to be doing.  I cook most nights to have something to do, I am not good with down time.

- I never skip a night washing my face or brushing my teeth ever.

- Fridays are my favorite day of the week.  
Have a great weekend!


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