Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Best Veggie Sandwich Ever

After not really watching what I ate for the past nine months, I am ready to get back on track and lose the last of this baby weight.  I am not on a full blown diet that will come after the Holidays (I must indulge for all the holiday parties)  but I have been trying to buy healthier groceries and making smarter food choices.  I try to eat really healthy for breakfast and lunch so I can indulge at dinner and eat what I want plus have a glass of wine.  This week I decided to make veggie sandwiches for lunch.  This combo is amazing.  The Greek yogurt spread paired with the crunch of the carrots and cucumbers and then the creamy avocado is amazing.  Make sure you splurge and buy some really good bread.  I found this awesome multi grain bread by Band of Bakers in the fresh bread section at Harris Teeter and it makes the sandwich!   I think this sandwich would be killer with some cheese like pepper jack added too.

:: T H E  B E S T  V E G G I E  S A N D W I C H ::

- Multigrain or Oat Bread
- Plain Greek Yogurt
- Fresh Dill
- Sliced Carrots
- Sliced English Cucumber
- Arugula sprouts
- Sliced Avocado
- Sea Salt

Combine Greek Yogurt with chopped fresh dill and salt and pepper.  You can mix up as much as you want to save for future sandwiches.  I mix about one cup of Greek yogurt with a tablespoon chopped fresh dill.  Layer on the veggies and slice and serve.  Be sure to sprinkle the avocado with sea salt it makes the flavors so much better!  I toast my bread slightly to soften it up.

**Arugula Sprouts can be found near the regular sprouts in the produce section.  I found mine at Harris Teeter and they were called Arugula MicroGreens.**

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